Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stormy weather...

We are under a severe thunderstorm watch right now. As you may remember from my previous post, weather causes significant pain. Entire mouth is throbbing right now. Other than that, the new combo of medication seems to be working better. At least it takes the edge off.

This morning I ate Quaker Instant Oatmeal in Maple Flavor. One packet, 1/2 cup boiling water, blended with a half cup of Lactose Free Milk. For lunch, I had a smoothie of blueberries, blackberries and yogurt.

I took a picture of how my jaw is "wired" shut. See below.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No infection... whew!

I went to the doctor, no infection. My surgeon said that the reason I have been in so much pain is probably due to a couple factors. #1 The weather - it's been really stormy here since Sunday. #2 I've been talking to much and the transverse muscle in the chin pulls down on my lower lip and gums causing irritation.

I was advised to take 1/2 the dose of Vicodin plus 2 Advil and see if that helps. If the Vicodin still makes me drowsy, I have a new prescription called Ultracet. The surgeon said if I am still in excruciating pain on Thursday, then he will take my center band off and replace it with a looser band. He told me that is the last resort, because if my bite shifts even slightly, the jaw bone will heal that way.

So, we will wait and see.

Bad Day

Yesterday was a bad day for me. I was in so much pain. My gums and teeth on the bottom front were in horrific pain. I tried Orajel which only worked for about a half an hour. I was crying a fair bit and Steve put his foot down and called the surgeon. The surgeon's office called in a prescription for Vicodin instead of Tylenol 3 with Codeine. Vicodin kicks my butt and makes me so drowsy. I slept from 1pm-8pm.

I have an appointment today with the surgeon. I'm worried that I have an infection. I really hope I don't because I am allergic to antibiotics and can only take intravenous vancomycin which means I would have to go back to the hospital.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Teeth and Gums

My teeth and gums hurt so bad. Can't sleep. Took 800mg of ibuprofen, no go. I'm thinking of trying Orajel. Anything, something... I'm on the verge of cutting off my bands.


Steve and I went across the street last night to visit with the neighbors. It was fun to get out of the house. They were drinking beer and wine, but not me for fear of dehydration. We only stayed for just over 2 hours. Everyone was joking around and as Steve would say "takin' the piss" by making fun of my speech with my jaw wired shut. They were trying to get me to say different words to check out how they sounded. It was pretty funny. Strange how laughing really hurt my lips because they would snag on the screws and yet, I could not stop.

Needless to say, I'm really paying for it today. I'm extremely sore. Everyone of my teeth ache. The right side of my jaw is throbbing and I have a headache on the right side of my head. I do not think the fact that it's extremely humid and threatening rain is helping in the slightest.

Hopefully the 800mg of Ibuprofen I took over an hour ago will kick in soon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

<--- Not me, but gives an idea of how I'm wired

<---- actually is ME... don't I look happy?!?!

What to eat... what to eat...

Day 9 Post Op-

Trying to figure out what to eat has been a little bit of a pain. I try to eat often but it involves so much work that it hardly seems worth it. At my pre-op appointment I was 142 pounds, today I am 134. I'm losing almost a pound a day so I have to find a way to get nutrients. I'm lactose intolerant but have been able to use Lactaid Lactose Free Milk and soy products. Below are a few of the recipes I have tried. All of these are obviously blended until smooth.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake
1.5 cups Chocolate Soy Milk
1 whole banana cut up
2 table spoons peanut butter

Blueberry Banana Boost
1 cup lactose free milk
1/2 cup blueberries
1 whole banana cut up
1 scoop Ruby Reds*

Chicken Noodle Soup
1.5 cups chicken noodle soup
1/2 cup chicken stock

Beef & Vegetable Soup
1 can Progresso Beef and Vegetable soup
1/4 cup beef broth
1/4 cup water

Peanut Butter and Grahams
2 table spoons peanut butter
3 graham crackers broken up
1 cup lactose free milk

Caffeine and Vitamins
1 serving Pediasure
1 Starbucks Double Shot Espresso

Tropical Shake
1/2 can crushed pineapple
6 ounces mango juice
1 cup lactose free milk

1 can speghetti-o's
1/2 cup V8
(this was disgusting)

Shepard's Pie (my husband made one)
1 cup shepard's pie
1/4 cup beef broth
1/4 cup water

Blueberry Italian Ice
1 cup lemon italian ice (softened)
1/4 blueberries

*Ruby Reds can be found at and had loads of good stuff for you in a powder form.