Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No infection... whew!

I went to the doctor, no infection. My surgeon said that the reason I have been in so much pain is probably due to a couple factors. #1 The weather - it's been really stormy here since Sunday. #2 I've been talking to much and the transverse muscle in the chin pulls down on my lower lip and gums causing irritation.

I was advised to take 1/2 the dose of Vicodin plus 2 Advil and see if that helps. If the Vicodin still makes me drowsy, I have a new prescription called Ultracet. The surgeon said if I am still in excruciating pain on Thursday, then he will take my center band off and replace it with a looser band. He told me that is the last resort, because if my bite shifts even slightly, the jaw bone will heal that way.

So, we will wait and see.

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