Friday, July 24, 2009

In the beginning...

Once upon a time... well, actually it January of 2009, I was in France with my husband meeting my new in-laws. Everything was going well. My new sister-in-law was making dinner, we were drinking wine. A little too much wine later, our pork tenderloin arrives at the table quite a bit TOO well done. Being polite while meetng the in-laws for the first time, I take an end piece that I was not able to cut with my knife. So, in the mouth it went and I began the labor intensive task of chewing it. A very loud pop and the entire dinner table gasped and looked right at me.

Fast forward two weeks. I take a trip to a Maxillofacial Surgeon, get an MRI and find out that I have fractured my condyle and fragmented the disk. My doctor and I agreed that we would try everything we could to avoid surgery. We tried physical therapy, splinting and Botox injections.

Alas, I had a modified condylotomy on July 16, 2009. Now I am wired shut for 8 weeks. These are my stories, recipes and daily musings.

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